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August, 2015
Change, they say, is as good as a rest. Just try resting your underwear for a week! But every now and then, it's good to shake things up and take one's comfort zone and send it packing. Perhaps on a long ocean cruise. With Little & Large as the entertainment*.
Coincidentally, the water-borne vehicle was the theme of our August competition night. 'Ship' to be exact and some rather ineteresting interpretations were on the table.
Once again, nanny-state mentality prevailed and all the participating losers were winners.
*Said act is in no way affiliated with anything even remotely approaching 'entertainment'.
Have a birl through the images and click to enlarge!

The table.
A water table anyone...? Maybe not.

Viking Longship
Our newest club member, John, brings an axe to the table.

Sea-salted caramel cup cakes.
Even Mrs M was in on the nautical theme!

The table.
A water table anyone...? Maybe not.
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