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October, 2015
Well, it's that season of year again. A time for dressing up in ghastly costumes and parading yourself infront of others with the hope of procuring some reward in return for a hideously renditioned cover of Mustang Sally. But that's enough about The X-Factor.
For the boys of The East Neuk Model Club, this particular October brought a competition night with the theme of Amphibian. A trickier than usual proposition and kudos to those who put their offering(s) on the table. Yours truly didn't bring his labours in on time, missing the deadline by a mere 6 months*, so I suppose there's nothing else for it....
"All you want to do is ride around Sally...."
*conservative estimate
Have a birl through the images and click to enlarge!

Alex's Sherman take-away.
He must have used his noodle on this!

Kevin's 1/35 PTR 50 PK
The night's biggest entry

Brian's BTR 60
Here showing it's land-based abilities to good effect.

Alex's Sherman take-away.
He must have used his noodle on this!
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