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June, 2015
Etymologically speaking, there are two commonly known roots for June. They are of course Juno - the Roman goddess of marriage and the other half of Jupiter, and the Latin word iuniores, meaning "younger ones" which is not to be confused with more the recent gods, Rik, Vivian, Neil and Mike. Pity.
Strange things happen in June. For example, June 19th is World Sauntering Day whereas the 28th plays host to one of my personal favourite events of the year - Insurance Awareness Day. I can't wait! Not because I lack the ability to perceive the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another in exchange for payment, but mainly because Waffle Iron Day is but a mere 24 hours later... woo-hoo!
Strange things also happen in The East Neuk Model Club. One that we can write about in polite company was our June competition night: Strange Camouflage.
The results of the competition were:
1st 'Follow Me' Jeep by Bruce Pert
2nd 1/72 Captured Romanian Bf109 G6 by Kevin Marshall
3rd 1/144 MiG21 by Gary Bottoms
Have a birl through the images and click to enlarge!

Bruce's 'Follow Me' Jeep.

Kevin's 2nd place 109.
A Romanian German in US markings!

Mrs Marshall to the rescue...
...again. Well sought after butter cream cuppers with a slice of Terry's chocolate orange to top it off.

Bruce's 'Follow Me' Jeep.
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