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October, 2014

October is one of only two months in which actual time-travel occurs. This isn't the good one - unless you're an owl. With a watch.
October also plays host to one of the scariest times of the year when strange and terrifying creatures can be seen stalking your neighbourhood - the half-term school holidays.
Keeping with things of a frightening nature, it's also our competition night and this time around, some bright spark had the idea of having 'Scratch-built' as the theme. As luck would have it, said bright spark had night shift that night and therefore was unable to compete. Shame, that.
The results of the competition were:
1st MB 5 in dental resin by John Crichton
2nd White Tiger Walker by Stephen Ross
3rd Lloyd Carrier conversion by Brian Murray
Have a birl through the images and click to enlarge!
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