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February 2018
For our first competitive engagement of the year - and also for the Battle Royales yet to come in 2018 - it was decided that we'd spice-up our comp nights a little. Instead of a single winner simply basking in the glorious, yet fleeting, golden glow of glittering admiration thrust upon them by their peers for that 'one night only', a new points system has been implemented that might make that warm, fuzzy feeling last a little longer. Now, we will have 5 placements each competition. The winner gets 10 points, 2nd place 8 points and so on down to 5th with 2 points. At the end of the year, these will be tallied up and whomsoever hath the greatetht pointh, will (in addition to the golden, glittering, glow nonsense) receive a prize of such staggering great worth, it'll make them dizzy with delight. Probably.
The theme for this night of first bloods, was The Battle Of Kursk and you can keep an eye on our leader board here.
The results of the February competition were:
1st - Kevin - 1/35 Panzer 3
2nd - Alex - 1/35 BM3 Katyusha
3rd - Gary - 1/48 IL-2 Sturmovik
4th - Neil - 1/35 Panther 5
5th - Bruce - 1/48 Stuka G-2
Have a birl through the images and click to enlarge!

Kevin's Panzer 3
10 points awarded

Alex's Katyusha
8 points awarded

He Is Groot
A non-combatant, 3D printed and painted by Stephen

Kevin's Panzer 3
10 points awarded
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