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October 2019
"Easey-peasey!" I thought to myself when this month's theme was conceived. In fact, this subject matter was so peasey of the easey variety, that rising to the challenge was quite adequately addressed by the members of the ENMC. So much so, one might have thought one had received a nasty bonk to the bonce and was seeing spots everywhere, but rest assured, it was simply a proliference of Hinomarus given that the theme was Japan.
The overall results of the competition were:
1st - Kevin - Tamiya 1/72 Aichi M6A1-K Nanzan
2nd - Bruce - 1/48 Hasegawa Nakajima B6N Tenzan Jill
3rd - Gary - 1/48 Revell Aichi D3A1 Val
4th - Alex - 1/72 Hasegawa Ki-27s
5th - Alastair - 1/144 Sweet
Check out the 2019 competition leader board here.
Have a birl through the images and click to enlarge!

Kevin's Nanzan

Bruce's Tenzan

Tonight's table!

Kevin's Nanzan
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