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December, 2013

Well, it's the last one of the year and as it's a season steeped in tradition, so is it true of our club's annual Christmas competition night where the theme is a colour. This year, that colour was Yellow. Keeping with tradition, the December meeting is also our quiz night, where thinking caps are donned and brains are racked and the depths of knowledge are well and truly plumbed. Meh, who am I kidding?
Have a birl through the images and click to enlarge!
Seeing as how it was Christmas, we decided that, for the competition anyway, in keeping with modern schooling methods, no one lost and everyone was a winner. As for the quiz, there were no such allowances. In fact, one person was stabbed through the heart with the wire frame from a dartboard and another member has yet to be found. 
As for next year's competitions, these are the themes:
February - Soviet Union
April - Airfield Vehicles
June - Transport
August - Matchbox
October - Scratch-built
December - Orange
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